I was born in December 15th, 2000 the last month of the 20th century I am the middle child I was born in the Philippines but I don't remember anything when I was there because I was only 2-3 years old. I remember when I was little me, my brother, and my cousins used to play tag inside the apartment and one of my cousin's threw up. In grade 1 I met my friend Lance. In grade 3 I met Gregory, and Seth. Seth moved in Grade 4 I remember we used to play connect 4 together. In grade 5 I met Ram, Joko, Alec, Xyle, and Daryl I always played basketball with them. Grade 6 was my first year in middle years I was nervous at the start but not anymore my teacher was Mr. Vaarmeyer that was the time I played basketball lot's My friends in that class were Joko, Ram, Gregory, Lance, and I. Now I'm in Grade 7 Mr. Harding's class it's been fun in this class so far my friends in this class are Gregory, Ram, Joacquin, and I. Right now i'm writing a rambling autobiography.
Suvivor Story
12 years ago